Grasses Legumes Trees

Please thank Google Translator for this English version.

We offer plant seeds for land rehabilitation program either in areas that have been opened in the mining area by other activities. Plant cover is a fast growing plant that works to prevent soil erosion in a relatively short period of time, spelled out within a few months. Plants on offer in the form of cover crops and tree seedlings.

T Grass


Hummingbird Tree

Nicaraguan Cocoa Shade

Cover plants are:

  1. T grass (Paspalum Conjugatum)
  2. Signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens)
  3. Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana)
  4. Couch (Cynodon dactylon)
  5. Millet grass (Japanese millet), etc

Seeds of nuts are:

  1. Commond Stylo (Stylosanthes guyanensis)
  2. Butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea)
  3. Siratro (Macroptilium atropurpureum)
  4. Centro (Centrosema pubescens)
  5. Hummingbird tree (Sesbania grandiflora)
  6. Wild tamarind (Leucaena leucocepala)
  7. Desmanthus (Desmantus virgatus), etc.

As well as tree seeds in the form:

  1. Nicaraguan cocoa shade (Gliricidia sepium)
  2. Batai wood (Albizia falcataria)

Seedlings can be ordered from our office. The seeds can then be sent to the desired address.